About Freez-R-Burn

Freez-R-Burn knows both kinds of music…Rock AND Roll. Three pieces and four voices comprise an indie rock sound that’s been known to conjure up some unlikely comparisons. But you should just listen for yourself. Hooky riffs and melodies betray a vast sphere of influences upon the five FRBers. Coltrane to Cash, VU to Rush to Dino Jr., Uncle Tupelo to Talking Heads. Not imitators, more like innovators, and this is no cookie cutter operation, folks. Multi-layered vocals weave through a straight-ahead, guitar-driven sound that will hide in the pocket and jump outta the socket. The ‘Burn sound can swing from trippy to danceable, and sometimes the twain shall meet. Catch us if you can!

Freez-R-Burn the Band

Jimmy Thomas, vocals and percussion

Jim carries many of the lead vocals and harmonies, with a silky-smooth baritone and an easygoing demeanor that belies his cutthroat training as a professional educator of young criminal minds. Jim plays the baby rattle like a monkey.

Kevin Pahlau (Nigel), drums, wood blocks

We really weren’t a “real” rock band until THIS Nigel came along. This metal head probably doesn’t listen to anything that sounds like Freez-R-Burn, (he does though!) but thank goodness he plays with us. He’ll be here all week folks…enjoy the veal!

Allan Michaelson -Guitar

From Jug Band Music, Americana, blues, and swing, Allan has finally learned how to rock and roll.

Ron Johnson - Bass

Who's that guy on the bass man? That's world-renowned bassist and multi-instrumentalist Ron Johnson of course.

Kevin Thomas, vocals and sound, all kinds of sounds

Kenny the Barber has been twirling our knobs from the start. Who knew that he would blossom into the primary “harmonizer” and a songwriter to boot? Mr. Invisible no more!

Brian Thomas, vocals and guitar

Brian knew he wanted to rock when he played for Grandma’s hippie home masses, and for Sr. Roseanne’s Spring Program at St. Sebastian. He now knows all five chords.